Is surgery for neck or back pain necessary? Sometimes. It is reasonable to consider spine surgery if the pain has not diminished after months of non-surgical treatment, if pain does not respond to medication, or if you're unable to complete basic daily activities. Some surgery options are minimally invasive (microdiscectomyfor aherniated disc) and allow for quick recovery, while other types of surgery (a posterolateral fusion fordegenerative disc disease)也越来越广泛。
Articles: Complete Listing
- Anterior Approach to Spine Surgery
- 颈椎前路椎体切除脊柱外科
- 人工椎间盘置换或脊柱融合:哪个是更好地为您?
- 自信的技能,以准备回手术
- Back Surgery and Neck Surgery Overview
- 心理准备的好处回手术
- Causes of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- 颈椎仪表
- 颈椎手术
- 认知技术来准备回手术
- 注意事项和风险因素在门诊脊柱外科
- Considerations for Lumbar Laminectomy (Open Decompression) in Treating Spinal Stenosis
- Controversies about Spinal Fusion Surgery: Allografts, Autografts, and Fusion Levels
- Deciding on Surgery for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
- Deciding on X-STOP Surgery for Spinal Stenosis
- Description of Kyphoplasty Surgery
- Facet Replacement or Total Element Replacement Devices for Spinal Stenosis
- Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS): What It Is and How to Avoid Pain after Surgery
- 获得足够的疼痛控制返回手术后
- Goals of Posterior Motion Preservation Devices
- 健康的生活习惯后退手术后
- 减压手术是如何进行的
- 显微手术手术是如何进行的
- How to Prepare Psychologically for Back Surgery
- IDET:一个新的程序椎间盘源性腰痛管理
- Interspinous Process Spacers
- Kyphoplasty for an Osteoporosis Fracture
- Kyphoplasty for Vertebral Compression Fractures
- Kyphoplasty Procedure Overview
- 椎体后凸成形术的风险和潜在的并发症
- Laminectomy and Spinal Stenosis: Risks and Complications
- Lumbar Decompression Back Surgery
- 椎管减压手术回的注意事项
- 腰椎间盘摘除术门诊脊柱外科
- 腰椎椎板切除手术for Spinal Stenosis (Open Decompression)
- 腰椎显微手术恢复:放14天
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy Recovery: Weeks 2 to 6
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy Recovery: Weeks 6 to 12
- Lumbar Spine Surgery
- Lumbar Spine Surgery Alternatives
- Microdiscectomy (Microdecompression) Spine Surgery
- 显微手术脊柱外科:风险,并发症和成功率
- 微创前路脊柱外科
- 对于手术失败综合征的其他注意事项
- Outpatient Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)
- Outpatient Lumbar Fusion
- 门诊腰椎椎板切除术或椎板切开术
- 门诊颈椎后路椎间孔/椎间盘摘除术
- Outpatient Spine Surgery Considerations
- 疼痛管理After Outpatient Spine Surgery
- Posterior Cervical Decompression (Microdiscectomy) Surgery
- Posterior Cervical Laminectomy
- 后路动态稳定系统
- Posterior Motion Preservation Spine Surgery: Alternative to Spinal Fusion
- Postoperative Care for Lumbar Microdiscectomy Surgery
- Potential Risks of Surgery for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
- Potential Risks of Vertebral Augmentation
- 从回手术中恢复的实用建议
- 准备回到手术前
- 预防便秘后退手术后
- Recovery After Lumbar Laminectomy (Open Decompression) for Spinal Stenosis
- 康复脊柱手术后
- Relaxation Exercises to Prepare for Back Surgery
- 研究更新的IDET的疼痛管理
- Scar Tissue and Continued Pain After Back Surgery
- 疤痕组织和疼痛回到手术后
- Scoliosis Surgery Recovery: 3 Months Post-Operation and Beyond
- Scoliosis Surgery Recovery: After Discharge (2 Weeks to 3 Months)
- Scoliosis Surgery Recovery: After Discharge (First 14 Days)
- Scoliosis Surgery Recovery: At the Hospital (4 to 7 Days)
- 脊柱侧弯手术:规划术后护理在家
- Scoliosis Surgery: Postoperative Care
- 脊柱侧弯手术:潜在的风险和并发症
- 脊柱融合for Idiopathic Scoliosis
- Spiritual Issues to Prepare for Back Surgery
- 颈椎椎间盘退变性疾病的手术方案
- 手术过程腰椎椎板切除术(开放减压)在椎管狭窄
- 心理准备的回手术中的重要性
- Theoretical Possibilities With Posterior Motion Preservation
- Treatment Options for Pain After Back Surgery
- 治疗,以尽量颈椎手术前
- Vertebral Augmentation for Compression Fractures
- Vertebroplasty After a Painful Spine Fracture
- Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Comparisons
- 椎体成形术
- Vertebroplasty Risks and Potential Complications
- Vertebroplasty vs. Kyphoplasty
- 什么是IDET目前的迹象?
- 我们所了解的成果为IDET?(研究论文)
- When Surgery Can Relieve Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms
- 谁做IDET程序?(研究论文)
- X-STOP Limitations